Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Oh god how does this work

So I might start doing some reviews of those WORST FIGHTING GAMES EVER but not being completely biased, rambling on and on about how they're 'rip-offs' and actually describing what is good and bad about them (i.e. if I whine THESE CONTROLS ARE SO BAD I will describe how, instead of just randomly playing Survival Arts and complaining about it's perfectly fine controls). Seeing how I am possibly the laziest person in the world who is just a step shy of being too unmotivated to breathe, I'm hoping I can actually do something with this. So be on the look out, I'll probably link updates to Facebook or some jazz just to make sure at least two people see it. In the meantime, have a clown juggling squirrels with a dumb grin on his face.

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